Camera Tracking
The next part of the process is when Cameron would go out on the motion capture stage, without the actors present, to reshoot all the cameras. This was after we cleaned up the motion capture data, projected the actors faces onto the avatars, and made the layout adjustments he requested. This gave him a much cleaner scene to work with to focus on final camera polish. During this process we might be asked to make more adjustments to the sets, which the turn around time would need to be quick.
After Cameron completed reshooting the cameras, I also assisted in running our studio theater controls to review the camera footage with our Director of Photography. This control setup involved running the live Motion Builder session as our DP watched on the big screen. In this session he would instruct me to modify the camera keys and adjust the motion curves. We would also review in Stereo to adjust the separation of the 3D cameras to either push or converge the 3D effect. Afterwards when we completed our cleanup session, I would run the controls to play it for Cameron. Speaking of nail biting situations! lol
Below I share another behind the scenes interview that explains this process in more detail.
The last thing I'll share is showing you what Weta's amazing final renders ended up looking like and compare it to the motion capture work we made in the beginning. As you can see, Cameron made sure the original performances from the actors made it to the screen, and the results look incredible! I am so proud of the work we made on this ground breaking film. It truly changed my life since then. I am so thankful to have been a part of it!